Post by The Valeyard on Apr 1, 2015 5:56:11 GMT
Resolved, that the following line, as it exists under the heading for powers of the Gold Usher:
The Gold Usher shall have the power to appoint or to delegate assistants on the local level, as it is recognized that the Gold Usher cannot possibly coordinate every PR opportunity at once.
Shall be amended to read as follows:
The Bronze Usher shall be considered the foremost deputy of the Gold Usher on the local level. However, should the Gold Usher require additional assistants s/he shall have the right to appoint additional assistants, from a list of candidates recommended by the Bronze Usher of a Sector or Outpost. In the case that no such officer exists within a Sector or Outposts, the Gold Usher shall have the right to appoint these directly, though consultation with locals is encouraged.
I'd like to have some discussion on this. I think it's reasonable, and necessitated by the creation of the Bronze Usher position, but it does alter the established powers of an elected officer. I will put up a poll once discussion has gone one for one week from this date of posting (3/31/2015), but I will recuse myself from voting in said poll.
- Alex
Skaro Sector
Posts: 64
Honorary Title: Our First Missy!
Rank: Gold Usher, 2014-2015
Primary Costume: Missy
Member ID: MA #0033
Post by BankOfMom on Apr 1, 2015 6:02:15 GMT
I'm fine with the wording but have one suggestion - to show the difference between those elected and appointed, could the appointed Ushers be called Copper or Red Ushers?
Skaro Sector
Posts: 64
Honorary Title: Our First Missy!
Rank: Gold Usher, 2014-2015
Primary Costume: Missy
Member ID: MA #0033
Post by BankOfMom on Apr 1, 2015 6:07:57 GMT
I'd also like to see verbiage regarding the disclosure of other involvement in other costuming groups and specific to the Usher - if they have a store/web presence where they sell Whovian items and profit from the sale of said items.
Post by The Valeyard on Apr 1, 2015 7:05:31 GMT
I'm fine with the wording but have one suggestion - to show the difference between those elected and appointed, could the appointed Ushers be called Copper or Red Ushers? Sounds very good. Why don't we go with red? It clearly distinguishes them from the "Metal Theme" of the series that we've applied to elected Ushers. Your other idea is a very good one. No objections there!
Keely Graesser
Skaro Sector
Bronze Usher
Posts: 53
Honorary Title: Academy Parent
Rank: Cardinal
Primary Costume: Femme Fourth Doctor
Member ID: DR #0048
Post by Keely Graesser on Apr 1, 2015 16:22:31 GMT
Both suggestions sound good to me! And lucky for me our Gold usher is in my sector so Gold and Bronze are working extra well together here in Texas